The stories that talk to you

It's really funny how the day passes by when you are indulged into something and how it passes when you are the least bit interested in doing it. Human beings in general are really straight forward at the core of it. Although, this emotional quotient doesn't really guarantee as to what that person might choose to do because society is named democratic at face but operates on a hierarchy at large. It all boils down to what the person sitting at the top of the food chain wants. This attitude towards what a person currently wants is pretty evident on their face, another reason why our species are called expressive beings. Expression helps create bonds, from a society and progress as a species. 

Why such a boring start? You may ask, well a boring start can lead to a beautiful ending. Anyways, the point is, human beings being so expressive has its own set of perks when used correctly. Some even pursue it as a career to be more expressive than the layman and go on to become stars, the subtler name for it is called being an actor whereas, subtilty only garners you an audience of enthusiasts while being over the top reaches you to every nook and corner of the country. People enjoy seeing raw emotions of others at display which makes them animated at times and hence enjoy the authenticity. The most reliable and common connection that gets established between two individuals with any situation is relatability and that is only translated when the levels of emotions and expression match each other.

Now that we established how crucial expressions are for us as a race, the point I am trying to make is that in the current age of neck wrecking content that we absorb through that thick glass slab of electronics around us, we must try to look around sometimes for the authentic bonds that we might have potentially had if not for being distracted by fake pretenses that circulate on the internet. The concept of everything becoming virtual is ground-breaking, evolutionary and never before seen but virtual reality is still no substitution for the real world. Tomorrow morning if a server crashes and you have no clue what to do outside your routine, you should not be puzzled at who you have become as a person when you see yourself on the mirror. The concept of technology used to be so alien in our childhood and now the concept of being without it sounds more alien. 

This time when you get on some public travel, take a pause, try to chin up and look around as to how the world is moving. I'm no saint, I carry my earphones everywhere I go but even with music that blasts our ears up; we can still look around at the least. In the age of gram stories and snaps where we see a glimpse of few seconds and guess what might be the scenario around it, you will find a catalogue of stories on people's faces yelling at you to hear them out. But, this time around you don't have to go sherlock and do guess work. Those stories are sometimes simple, warm, innocent and sad. Stuff that people will never be comfortable to share on the internet for the multi level masks they wear on it. You could think that they are wearing a mask at that time too but then again how much can a person pretend when he has no one to express to.


  1. An interesting one for sure but again, people love maintaining a façade, even if it's while they're with people that they love or a room full of strangers and when someone sheds that *façade* and look at the world showing what they are to everyone? That's solace.

    1. People don't necessarily love maintaining the facade but are enforced to do so for the kind of norms and standards that the society shoves onto them. The day they can grow out of that conditioning is when they deserve solace.

    2. "Deserve" is a strong word. Coming out of that conditiining requires nurturing either from an external source or from within. Don't we all deserve solace? Getting it isn't a matter of whether someone deserves it or not. As long as they realize that the standards society holds people to is superficial, it works, yes?

    3. I used the word Deserve to rely what the universe deems us as. It won't let us feel it until we grow out of the cocoon we built ourselves to gain validation from all those external forces. If it were upto me I would want to grant solace to everyone. Since, I can't control such a thing, I try to spread as much of it possible through my actions irrespective of deservance.

    4. Granting solace is not an easy task, even if is to just one other person. Perhaps spreading the awareness that we shouldn't need that external validation from those who hold us to superficial standards helps better than granting it at a time to a mass of people


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