Physically solo or Mentally hollow

Right from the point of gripping our hands by clutching all the fingers together to the point where we loose strength in every ounce of our arm and barely can hold a fist, we all grow up to be someone that we never thought would become initially. However, the real growth is not in the speeches you rehearse to address a crowd but it lies in the speeches you give yourself when no one is around and nothing is at stake. From birth to death, we all partake in a million stories at a daily basis to find a poetic ending for our one mega story called "LIFE". Amidst all that chaotic life of moving around, there is a single thread of truth that one needs to talk about before letting the forces of death dictate the rhythm of breath for that person. My aim right now is to find that point of singularity or atleast try to.

Anything a person does through their lifetime is an influence of some action that might take place at any other part of the world especially during the current internet age. It is very easy to get influenced these days and that is why originality in art is held at high honor for trying to create a new perspective in one's life. In this day and age of easy influence being so abundant, something authentic and actual is very essential because, the very core motive of happiness is being influenced these days and that is very toxic to an individual. When the discussion is about originality, it doesn't only speak about creation but is also assertive about the expression. The emotion we feel across our face and heart shouldn't be polluted or influenced by an external validation. If you feel happy about something, then you should feel happy for the heck of it and nothing else should matter.

When we try to ascend a certain part of our life which is filled with insecurities, injuries, inhibitions or a feeling of inferiority, it is obvious for a person of some sensibilities to overcome that, but it always is a journey of incredible sacrifices which often do not come to the limelight for multiple reasons and it is extremely important sometimes to achieve a feeling self-satisfaction or pride over oneself for overcoming it. When I speak about pride, it is not about the one that looks down on the society but rather the one that helps us look upto ourselves when in the moment of doubts and weakness. It definitely is important to surround ourselves with people that back us up at difficult times, people that hold onto us at times when we are being thrown off balance by our own circumstances and people who can understand us at all times and have our backs. The problem with life is, at times we do not have the luxury to have such people and it also isn't a good habit to rely on an external force's strength when the very problem is internal.

At the end of it all, You as a person should be determined by the actions you take, either good or bad but not by the mishaps that happened because there were people surrounding you with opinions. You are not supposed to be a result of their experiments, you are supposed to be a product of your errors and a result of your achievements. On a gloomy night, there is not a single soul around you to guide somewhere safe but when you can help yourself do that, not even a nightmare can scare you to succumb to its wishes. As the title already says, you either die physically solo with an expression that is independent or you surround yourself with people who all have a piece of you in their control leaving you mentally hollow.


  1. wait, so according to you having someone -someone to love- makes you...hollow??

    1. Not really, that wasn't what I spoke of. If that's the first thing that was triggered in your mind after reading it then maybe you need to rethink.

    2. yes, yes...this "The journey of life is a constant evolution of external influences and internal struggles, culminating in self-discovery." is what is said i presume but just the last two lines screamed the hollowness of certain things which are not typically assumed to be. Probably just the perspectives

    3. Well, that is the fun thing about art. We all can have our own types of takeaways from a single piece of it. I hope your takeaway will make a positive impact in your life.


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