Human beings come in a lot of varities and this mixture is what makes our society so entertaining and exciting to live in, bearing the risk that it might get ugly sometimes due to the same reasons. One such variety is people who want control in life. Control is their opium and they would be very cranky and disappointed when they start loosing it. It is actually healthy to be trying to have control over events that happen because you will then be preparing yourself for the worst but things get really messy when this control gets the better of that person and they are particular about every minute detail around them. Not everything, everyone or even every consequence that comes your way might have a DIY kit for you to optimise it to your according. However, there are a few micro optimisations you can do to make your life better.

The way we wake up has a lot to do with how the rest of our day progresses and inversely how our day goes about determines how we go to sleep in the night. That's such a nuanced and shrugged off logic which just determines how healthy we are spending our lives and how much of it do we really have in our hands to control. All we have to do is getting a 15 minute routine right before we go to sleep and right after we wake up and we might possibly be improving the quality of our mental health drastically. Although routines get boring after a time, they atleast set an expectation to our body that if we are doing this right now, we are aiming for a normalcy in the day we are about to live and ask it to adjust itself accordingly. That is like spending less than 5 percent of our days time to fix ourselves and I know plans are easier said than executed, so prove yourself that you are worth it. 

Every reaction that comes your way is a result of the rubber band's contraction that you have released with your actions. How hard and with what you get hit by is determined by what your actions are. People respond to things you say and do to them, I'm not asking you to do actions that make you a people pleaser. Actions that you do might only have a fixed set of responses humanely possibly and if you are able to evaluate all of them and can conclude that you are capable of handling all of them, you should go ahead and do it. Most people skip this analytical step before they do something and let those raw, unrefined emotions get the best of them and inevitably bring out the fool in them.

These are such minor adjustments that might bring about a lot of change in our lifestyle. There are a lot more from where these come from but I can't be boring people with too many preachy words at a time. One important thing to be keeping in mind is that we shouldn't stress ourself out that we aren't contributing too much for something by existing and maybe our existence doesn't matter. Sometimes that very existence matters a lot, not every one of your appearances need to be for a major contribution, it is fine to be limited as an audience because validation is sometimes more heart warming than a Christmas present. Your mere shadow is worthier than a post apologetic or appreciation message. 

In conclusion, there is only so much a person can do within their limits and limitations. Trying to control everything slowly deprives us of that control entirely. Only a few minor changes towards self-assurance, self-awareness will significantly improve our mental health. Don't ever respond to stuff without first trying to make sense of the opposition with your own head, a new perspective sometimes adds more logic which is always appreciated. Control freaks always end up loosing control and just remain as a freaks for the history to preach about to the decades that come. 


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