Sticky Notes of Destinations and Detours

What is the biggest obstacle to overcome before you can strike off that goal, you have set yourself on a sticky note which has been withering away with the changing seasons almost curled up into half and losing nearly all of its resin, which helps it justify its title as a sticky note? Well, I am no expert at completing tasks in time, but the world is a fun place for that very reason, because a failure can atleast have a bit of a relatable conversation with you than a successful one can ever do. If you can't understand why one would fail, then you can never be happy about what you succeed in, because success is also like that sticky note, it withers away with time and stops sticking out one day.

We often don't fancy ourselves doing the stuff we have dreamt of since childhood because dreams are a tricky road trip. All you have is the destination's name and the fascination of going there. Well, both of them aren't bad, but surely not resourceful enough to fuel that trip. It's always tempting to detour onto a more comfortable and easier path and most people succumb, and they aren't to be blamed for it either, because the ones who teach us to dream, well, they don't really teach us how to get there. They are all people who tried to go there too at some point but detoured like yourself. But, the flair of the dream was still a little ardent and that gets rubbed off onto us and then the cycle continues. So, it's never too late to assess what you want and if you can convince yourself about it in the time that you take to get to sleep at the end of an unsatisfied and not so productive day, then that's it you have got yourself a goal to fight for. Of course, that is under the assumption that you made a sensible decision.

Well, now you have a goal, but then comes the tough part. Where is the motivation? So, I have this analogy that motivation is the middle man between you and your goals, but its brokerage fee is passion and resilience, both of which are far more expensive than the goal itself. Once you can earn them both, it is easier to transition to destinations that make your current destination look like a detour. The entire aim of an end point is to help us gauge the depths you have to swim before you worry about the lengths you have to go to. 

All of these are for people who have a target fixed in their heads, but then there are a few people who don't know how to find a destination. For them, the motivation isn't for limping through the desert of their journey, but it is for narrowing down which desert is worthy enough to give their lives to in the worst case. Relatability is a major deterrent to that kind of motivation.

Have you ever wondered what relatability often times is? Is it the feeling you ponder upon developing empathy towards someone or, rather, maybe someone's situation to be precise, or is it the nostalgia that hits your nerves just in the right spots where you have been there, and you know the feeling. Well, in my opinion, you find relatability in moments or situations where your shoe size fits in that mental space and your mind is accepting enough to spare it a thought with a simulation of your own version and how you would have dealt with it. If you don't relate to what you want to do after you wake up tomorrow morning, then it is more reassuring for you to stay an hour extra in your bed to dream newer and better because this world is too big to be accomodated in 7 precise hours of sleep.

Finally, under the urge to strike things off quicker, don't lose yourself in the spiral of peak productivity and results. Results are nothing but a reflection of your growth over consistent periods, but not of peak performance in rare phenomenons. Defeat the defiant before you can even embrace the desire.


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