The content of the modern era is by far the most readily available and yet the most dumbed down and stupid version since the ancient times. I think people either get a good infrastructure or good content because both of them didn't co-exist until now. Anyways, this blog isn't about how content works or used to work and how it exists. This is to talk about how we all have been using it and I can't exempt myself from it. Dopamine is a crazy addiction that is sometimes far more dangerous than any heroin out there. Once you get into its rabbit hole, the trip is really shaky and might make you fall at such lows that getting back up might seem like bungee jumping back to the land but without the safety ropes around your waist.

If we get dopamine out of stuff we do that is actually helpful to us to further ourselves be it mentally or even career oriented, it isn't even an issue but the omnipresence of content for just about anything has made them lazier and hopeless. Nothing is now as passionate as it would have been when the content wasn't as diverse and available. When I say nothing I mainly talk about human relationships. With how much stuff that is available on the internet, the surprise factors in love, friendships and even romance have died down. Earlier when someone feel in love, the desperation to get to see them again, the interest to write them big letters and anticipate for their replies, the angst of meeting after a long time and reminiscing all their memories in single photograph while drawing hope for what they are doing from the reward that they will recieve after they get back to their loved ones. All of this has died in the modern era and it's very disheartening to say the least.

People can be broadly divided in three categories. Trying to get busy ones that find issues with themselves, the ideal one that find issues in their works and the idle ones that find issues in the world. There can't exist a person who is solely a single category of the three and they keep toggling between the three based on the content they currently consume. It's all up to them to decide what kind of a person they want to be when. Content is influential but consumers can still be in control as to how much and how they get influenced by it. No one can change your mind until you let them and no one can get back to their previous decision when one is taken. 

So, why exactly do I refer to us as dopamine swines ? Well, for starters when you get up and face the mirror you generally look at who you are and how you look but the moment you just shut off those normal thoughts, you will start seeing the fat, obese and unhealthy version of you which is a mental image of yours that you don't think about. All that fat is from consuming dopamine in such excess that your mental image no longer has its own personality or even the interest to do something on its own. It just sits there all day eating up on content that gives it instant hits of dopamine. It's sweet while it runs down the throat but it's very hard to get it out.

One toxic trait most people develop these days is about expectations. Nothing hurts us more than getting stabbed by the glass called expectations that we have moulded with our own two hands and came running to a person to ask as to how it is and they don't like it and say it to our face. Don't stop expecting stuff but just keep in mind what you are trying to expect. The first and foremost thing to not expect from someone else is empathy.

To conclude, everything has its pros and cons. The same with content, if it is good or bad maybe it's about the way you use it to become a tangent of your own. Don't believe everything you see and don't doubt everything you can write a story about. What we see is a fraction but what actually happens is an entire world. 


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