Being hospitable and kind is considered as a basic virtue of any good person. The statement itself isn't wrong but isn't it too harsh to be judgemental of that virtue in all of our situations. A person can only be understanding when he has a knowledge and understanding of his own space and life which can't be true all the time. Sometimes a good person can also be rude, unkind and angry. Those are not entirely an influence of your behaviour but are also a derivative of their own circumstances and perceptions.

As said by the saying, "YOU HAVE TO WALK SOME MILES IN MY SHOES TO UNDERSTAND WHERE I AM COMING FROM". The statement itself is utter bullshit in my opinion because why should anyone walk in your path and be understanding and kind towards you when they all have their own paths and obstacles that help design that person and how they see. Why should anyone try to fit into your shoes when you yourself who has been wearing them all your life is not being comfortable in it right now? Why is it that your suffering can be a testament to any of your mistakes? Well, all these are the questions I have all the time while surviving this modern jungle called society but we always succumb to the societal interests.

As a hospitable and kind person that I have grown up to be, I also try to wear the shoes of those people that surround me. To be honest, none of them is my size but the thing is I haven't entered a showroom to shop for my comfortable fit but I have entered a thrift store where I am not even buying footwear but renting it out until I and the person who sold it to me come to a common misery and can laugh it off calling it life. This practice is fine until it isn't because once we start doing it with one person once, it will inevitably end up becoming our habit. A habit that makes us the most toxic person in our own life and yet a man of high value in this rotten society.

When it becomes a habit, the biggest problem we face is that we can never wear our own shoes back because our legs get so crooked and beat up that our own shoes start feeling out of place and weird which is the worst state one can get themselves into. All of these are problems we face when we try to get back but the thing is that the habit gets us so consumed that we won't have time to get back to ourselves and the Void in our shoes starts kicking in. They feel so abandoned and deserted that no one can fit into them.

To conclude, the constant expectation of seeing others perspectives gets us dumbed down on our own life choices, opinions and comforts. In the pursuit of being an understanding person, we are losing out on the essence of what a being is. When you ask someone else to walk in your shoes, ask yourself if you can face every situation in their shoes because you can never do that and that is the beauty of being a human being, what you do is your life and what you can't do will make your life.


  1. Just sent these to a bunch of friends and most of them told , *it's weirdly accurate- when you cant run in your shoes, why push yourself to run in others'*

    1. Appreciate you spending your time ✨

    2. Worth it though....

    3. Taking time out to let me know that you read is heart-warming

    4. And it's almost new year soooooo🤷‍♀️
      Heart warming aside, It's true

    5. I hope you stay back for the newer ones

    6. It's been ages since you wrote one sooo🤷‍♀️ if i do remember to check every 2 days then yep


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