As we grow up, the one thing we start finding difficult is the art of TAKING THINGS EASY. Since our childhood, we have always been the masters of getting over things faster and easier by taking it easy and as we start aging that is the one quality we see diminishing in our portfolio and wish we had right now. The one main reason for that is RESPONSIBILITY KILLS THE CHILD IN YOU, BOTH THE USEFUL AND THE USELESS. I agree that it's a good thing to take responsibility and start doing things according to the textbook or write one with our journey whichever one suits our career palette. But, in my humble opinion, it's also best suited to keep a little part of the child alive to swap places with us when the responsibilities start choking us with the tight grip called reality.

What does your mind think of right now at this very moment when you just sit down and empty your hands physically but not metaphorically. You have so many things to think about, so many secrets to withhold, so many goals to work on and so many problems on your chest that you've been struggling to breathe properly. You feel choked all of a sudden in a perfectly breezy room, all that air hitting your face, yet your gut feels like it's being punched down hard and making it more difficult to breathe with every passing second. I think that "THOSE WHO FEEL SUFFOCATED IN A BREEZY AFTERNOON ARE THE ONES WHO ARE HAVING SLEEPLESS NIGHTS TO BETTER THEMSELVES."

What does all of this even mean, where am I going with all this random shit ¿, That's what I ask every millisecond when thoughts like these become the advocates of my opposing council which in this case is my very life. You see, life is indeed beautiful, it has so many layers of makeup that you as a person has to carry around for people to judge you 24/7, and even at the end of the pageant you won't be crowned with the shiny ribbon stating your title, you'll be covered with a not so shiny gravestone engraved with the degree that you've paid so much to master at least for the namesakes of it. 

Honestly speaking I don't even know where this piece of writing I'm penning down is headed to and who even reads this but one thing is for sure when you start missing people in your life, just remember they weren't snatched away from you. Some of them were let go by your choice because as sweet as their memories are in your heart, their actions have been equally bitter to handle and the other few just didn't have the patience to give your beta phase a chance and lost the opportunity to buy in your premium phase. It indeed is difficult to handle so many things weighing down on your brain at a time and there is nothing more painful than mentally feeling the pain and not having a physical presence to it. Medicines work where the wound is visible but only you can work on what you can't see because miracles do what medicines can't and there isn't a bigger miracle than yourself when you truly believe in what you are.


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