Time is a very radical and delicate concept to deal with. It’s a literal double-edged sword that when used right could make us the G.O.A.T in that particular niche or the demotivating and hopeless GATEKEEPER of that category whose only job is to whine about how good we have to be to make it. The amount of trust and work we put in decides which ‘G’ we end up being in the long run. One thing is for sure everything changes with time, nothing is constant.

The only irony is that the tree we see today might become tomorrow’s firewood or the day after’s furniture but never the mother of 10 other plants. Even though it has a change, it is only towards destruction and never the other way. Just like trees, we human beings have also been going through the transition of changing and revamping ourselves with every passing year. Our change, even though seems all revolutionary and comforting when seen from the top, but deeper introspection only keeps giving us more and more horrific truth bombs that pop aloud in our heads and make us question our very existence.

All the early stages of our revolutionary phase of the world felt empty and needed a little more work, but the better the tech gets, the more we feel distanced from ourselves and the feelings we harbored for the advancement of the world. The larger the distance between our entitled “communication devices” (for all intents and purposes when it was made) and our table has gotten over the years that much longer and wider this imaginary wall that we people build around us has gotten. These devices surely got us out of the problem that distance separated us but also snatched people away from our life, they all feel far away even though they are right in your arms but are using them. Back then, they at least had the consent to leave us, but now the smartphones compel them to move away.

In the same way, there is cinema. First, they were invented to put into motion all the stories our predecessors used to hear under the starlit sky. They were invented to distribute the vision of the ones who perceived it differently than normal or to give form to the people who only had their own head to imagine stuff. At first, it was all good, helped people be entertained, and gave economy to a few others. Even now it still is doing that but has a major influence on people in a very bad way, of course, not all of them but a few.

Nowadays people don’t have a clue of how to emote properly. The content they watch is influencing them over how much they should cry over a heartbreak, how much they should laugh for a happy moment, and any emotion that stunned them while watching. We forgot how to be real, how to be our self and show what we feel, we are subconsciously portraying that emotion that moved us while watching a particular scene or scenery.

As much as times have changed, we shouldn’t just adapt to any change that is brought about by the vicious circle of time. We should be sensible as we want to become. Focus on the bright side but don’t ignore the dark side because that’s what will consume us in the end. Revolution might be cool when we think about the list of things it will change and in excitement, we might even stop caring about the adverse effects of it, but what I believe is that adverse effects act after the tempting list of advantages penetrates our thoughts and make us lower our guard and bring about the adversities in its most lethal form.


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