Blame is a very strong word either to take upon ourselves or to put on someone else. We often overlook the concept of consequences when we decide to blame someone or something. We just want a shape or form to feel good or reassured about ourselves; the reason being that we now have a root cause of our problem bringing this innate confidence within ourselves to solve it. The human mind is programmed or maybe we let it get adapted to the fact that when our problem is mysterious, we generally aren’t that hopeful of it being solved and when suddenly we have the identity of the trouble maker, all we have to do is confront it for troubling us and that’s it.


This very psychology of finding the problem sooner has led us to hone our skills in blaming. Blaming is nothing but assigning someone or something a responsibility of fault. I mean why wouldn’t they resort to such a method when it is very helpful for people to have instant relief because all we are doing is shifting over this very heavyweight of carrying the guilt of doing or being wrong. Often this premature conclusion drawing and trust issues make people blame the wrong things.


Let’s consider an example I had read the other day, about a kid who gets rewarded with money or even toffee every time he does something their parents ask him to, all it does is enforce employee psychology in this kid but never of an entrepreneur. He never thinks of ways he can make people satisfied with his skills; all he does is wait around for being ordered so that he can start working and satisfy his employer. The same parents who reward this kid for stuff they demanded also demand them to become something big in life while they are building a shell around him all his childhood. When he fails to be so, the parents again blame them for not working hard enough. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be rewarded but should be for the right things like learning something out of their curiosity, not for circumstances’ sake.


Blames and regrets are everywhere and everything, what makes us a better person is how we blame and what we regret. Blame and regret our incompetence before we start pointing out that index finger with pride towards someone else just to hide behind that fact. When we are late for submission, we blame the time but not our time management. When our heart is broken, we blame the time we invested on them and not the time that we couldn’t invest to keep it alive. These are all just a few levels of things we do in this large-scale BLAME GAME.


Blame is like marijuana while smoking it we are on cloud nine with a sudden relaxation but when the side effects hit in, in our case it’s the truth bombs and regrets; we will feel miserable. People don’t do this on purpose, it is an instinctive trait we developed to handle such situations. It won’t be easy to get out of it but we should try our level best to quit it. The next time you feel like pointing out something with your index finger, curl it down and make a fist to punch yourself in the gut and wake it up because hey, you gotta listen to what resonates with your gut


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