There is a saying in Greek mythology that, “Oblivion- what a blessing for the mind to dwell in a world away from pain”. Being oblivious is sometimes a bliss and other times a painful demeanor to ourselves in the long run. The one thing that humanity has not learned over the years is the way to approach an issue in their own life or the society around it and if I have to predict and take a wild guess then it won’t be changing anytime soon either. The one thing that people will always choose over anything else in their lives is convenience. Oblivion is that kind of convenience in people’s lives filled with problems.

Let’s take an example about a person who wants to click a quick picture of some good sky scenery that stunned them while they are enjoying their evening stroll on their terrace. What’d you think that person will be using right now to get that picture? It’s his smartphone of course and not the pricey camera they own because smartphones make it more convenient and get the job done. In the same way, people will always do things that put them in a comfort zone and do their job more conveniently.

Giving no heed to the suffering we have had to bear or even are bearing for that matter is a double-edged sword, solely because we have the convenience of not suffering for a while thinking about these so-called problems in our petty lives, but unfortunately, the same problem will be hitting us with a force multiplied by many times than initially. Our lives right now are so obsessed about the issues on and inside our bodies that we’ve felt no need or care about the way things are in our vicinity. Although, a wise man once said your vicinity is what shapes you as the person to either succumb to your adversity or rise along like a phoenix from burning them down to ashes.

The main problem with our generation is low self-esteem and high self-deprecation of their creative heads. We are the first audience of our thoughts, either good or bad. We would rather be inclined to portray ourselves as a normal and practical guy than to show the people around us the real us who makes offensive statements and has insane ideas which no one dares imagine but no one sees that; the reason being that our toned-down version is the ideal personality of 21st century who gets the job done just like the smartphones. We will only take out our cameras for a special occasion when we need to impress a certain somebody or a community and when we are traveling all alone to somewhere far away. The child in us isn’t dead as we grow older, we are locking them away as we grow older.

All this Gen-Z admiration of wanting to travel everywhere and be doing what they like to do, these are all how things used to be long ago and we made the society so complicated that we only find these kinds of admirations in a few quotations and not in people’s actual intentions anymore. Crave to do something new daily and not the same thing in a new way. The child in us is always alive, he just isn’t fed enough limelight to shine brighter than the boring pretentious persona we’ve made ourselves by paying several institutions to educate us over the years but just not in the right way.

Convenience brings us peace by keeping us safe inside our comfort zone like a cradle for a baby. All convenient things kill the skill we need to survive the world when outside our comfort zone. Oblivion is only the last resort when we already have too much on our plate, it can’t be misused to avoid eating. Being an uptight responsible citizen doesn’t need to come at the cost of imprisoning an innocent child who isn’t guilty.  





  1. maybe, maybe you're the one who sees good in the bad and yet pretend to be "not a nice person". Maybe, just maybe.

    1. That's an interesting insight. But I'm glad this piece found its way to you almost two years later! Thanks for your time


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