Confident people are not the one who knows what will happen in life, it is the one who knows are capable to tackle whatever gets thrown at them. That is the psychology I believe in. I like having to figure out my life as I keep progressing rather than figuring out what will happen in it until my spine bends and I enjoy my cozy retirement in a land far away. I do not have a map of any kind when I started this so-called treasure hunt where I find happiness at the end; each wrong step I make directs me to that X mark. I won’t be disappointed even if I didn’t find anything at the end of it because its indication itself is an X, meaning wrong. That is because the real treasure in a treasure hunt is the journey you make, the friendships you hold onto, the insecurities you have to battle against to get closer to it, and the confidence you gain to face anything in life.

As unpredictable as life is, one thing is for sure that when you are supposed to be disappointed you sure as hell will be, even happy moments can't match the benchmarks you’ve already made up in your mind, but sad ones will create new limits every single time. Perhaps, the most beautiful and poetic thing about life is that the more disappointing your last endeavor has been, the happier the redemption will be. 

I wholeheartedly accept that I am ready to get failures and the worst ones as soon as possible because they will push me to rock bottom. Once I hit it I can instantly realize there is nothing more miserable than the state I am in right now and that same rock will be the best platform for me to do my high jump to the heights I want to reach in my life.

There are different kinds of people we meet daily and none of them have their life sorted completely. The over-confident people pretend that they are sorted to uphold their position in the messy society, the under-confident people outright tell that they are not sorted. The problem comes with the people who are in between they confide with themselves and no one else and elude what little peace of mind they have left in life. The silver lining in all of them, everyone has their version of problems and how they gear themselves up to deal with them is what makes all the difference. The first thing in making anything possible is acceptance. Acceptance that you are scared, clueless, and the courage to cry and confess to people you trust with your life, each teardrop makes an ocean of a difference.  

Fact remains that life is a wavy ocean. Where, why, and how hard it hits you will only be seen in tomorrow's newspaper meaning, your retrospection. However, it doesn’t matter at all because we should be confident in ourselves that we will stand back up and face it with the same fire and maybe more than last time when it hit us. Seats above the street light occupied by the bats are replaced by the pigeons the next morning. That’s just one tiny example of how often changes occur in our already developed mechanical society; sure the change may not be game-changing and permanent but it still occurs and what matters is its existence.

To conclude what I was trying to say, confidence in yourself matters more than the coordinates that may or may not come to you at some point in your life. You should find your happiness and not some random ancestor who dug it up and store it for you ages ago meaning the property they’ve saved up for you. When life changes with no warning, show that you can adapt to it faster than it can change.  


  1. Beautifully written. I really needed to read this today. Made my day. :D

    1. I'm real glad that it helped you. Thanks for the response, highly appreciated 👍


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