The doll cannot play along anymore

Human beings generally are delusional. When born, we are all the same breed of animals. We are but savages who seek refuge in two civilized people’s lives. We are entitled to be the best that they both could’ve wished for in this world; sometimes we might be having company, called siblings. Point is, we already have things set to accomplish or at least listen to without even being enquired about our wishes that we might have developed as a person after living for a few years.

Expectations are shoved into our lives one way or the other by different people in different stages of our life. It’s no surprise that we are expecting something out of someone else right at this moment. The story is the same for all of us, but just our roles get reversed in situations. The expected sometimes is expecting and vice versa. It’s always a vicious circle to get stuck in and once we enter then it’s a rather difficult one to escape from. There is a famous notion imbibed into our current day society that EXPECTATIONS HURT.

Life is rather peculiar because we learn most of our life’s lessons and more only by failing at them. It can be as simple as expecting a character we read about in a book and expect him to be doing the things only the way we would’ve done when faced with the same situation but that doesn’t happen so, and we are hurt for that and it's such a trivial thing. When the writer finally reveals the reason for them to not act as we have predicted; we get both relieved and educated. Relief that the character still has relevant thoughts as their own and educated about the way he evaded potential adversity that would’ve fallen upon him when following the route, we have predicted. This will help us know what to do and what not in a similar situation. 

So, what I can take away from all these culminations of the experiences I’ve had up until now is to make expectations, live in that little fantasy, get your fantasies crushed and disappoint yourself; teach your brain where the bar must be set and tame your heart about the lengths one can truly go to. It's okay if you feel bad about this situation you have with a certain individual or maybe an institution, but things are always designed to teach you something at the end of the day. They will tell you how much you truly are worth and how much harder you should work to reach the place that you want to in their eyes and when you think it's too much trouble, you can always stop. That’s when you become the doll that cannot play along anymore and it's completely okay because the efforts you put in must always be heartful so even if you tried, it won’t be a good end. 

There are a few expectations that one should never keep at any costs.

  1. To be special in someone's life just because they are in your own.
  2. To step out of their comfort zone because you seem to be worth it.
  3. To always be a good friend.
  4. To hope that things will get better when we give them time. 

These are each very toxic and misleading. The whole point of the situation will get lost when we fall into these thoughts. Have a hope that things will turn out good with time but that doesn’t mean you ignore them, half the times we use this as a reason is us being or wanting to be over them; us stopping the efforts that we’d rather put in something productive which again isn’t something bad but if they seem worth it, pursue them to the depths of hell. 

To conclude what I started, expectations teach us both success and failure. When your expectations turn true you will know that you are self-aware and when they fail, they’ll show how much to aim and it’s okay to have your expectations crushed and you can stop if you truly feel like it; but if that person or institute is worth it, you should run an extra mile because the regret that you left will haunt you all the remaining miles of your voyage to make it to the end of your life. 


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