It was five in the evening and it was breezing soothingly in the backyard. I just heard that I didn't make it to the job I was trying to get into. It didn't stagger me as it was my fifth time since the past couple of years. I just sat there on the lawn-chair contemplating at the sky.

I just had these emotions bottled up to let out but I barely had the energy to show them as I was exhausted of all this trying again which are leading me to futile attempts. I started to presume that maybe I am not good enough for the job or maybe I never gave it my all, I had all kinds of thoughts running at the back of my mind.

But amidst the thought war in my mind, there was this one calm feeling that I had about the clouds that were perpetuating up in the sky which I was staring all this while. I just thought to myself, "HOW MANY BEAUTIFUL CLOUDS DID I MISS, SIMPLY BECAUSE I DIDN'T LOOK UP?", If one good gaze at the sky makes you appreciate all the simple things in it then, Why don't I ever gaze at myself?


Maybe because I was always busy replicating others actions and trying to be like them and in the process loosing my own identity or maybe I was too busy in giving a so called reasoning to my every failure just to run away from the guilt of doing something wrong.


As I started processing all this information it was already late night and stars started illuminating the ether and I thought to myself, the sky has showed two of it's forms in a single day and it does this every damn day and hasn't failed even a bit to look good in both of them, that just shows how versatile and consistent you need to make yourself to stay at the zenith above everything.


My biggest takeaway from all this is perhaps I didn't discover all of my abilities yet, I haven't been convincing enough for people to validate me or trust me at the least and I still have miles to travel. Tomorrow is just a few hours away to make or break me to a better person.


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